Thursday, December 20, 2007


Good morning!!
Two days ago I finished a piece of art for a friend that she was giving to her husband as a present. It was so awesome to have created something that someone else wanted to hang and display in their home!! As I began to ponder this I realized that my art work was going up in their living room above the fire place. This is the center piece or focus point of their home. Wow!! My art work is the focus point of someone Else's home!
This made me think about God and how he created us. He spent time and creative energy creating us. Psalm 139 tells us that God knit us together in our mothers womb and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made!! How proud God must have been at the final moment when he completed His creation and He said "This is good!"
As I thought about this further, I wondered what God thinks about how we 'place ourselves'. What I mean by that is; Are we placing ourselves in the center of God's plan for our lives? Are we putting God and His purpose for our life in the living room where everyone can see who we serve and what we are living for? Or, are we putting our selves in the back corner of the closet where we are hiding from and avoiding what God has planned for us? Are we even placing our selves in God's home at all? Have you ever entered God's home?
I want to challenge everyone, to take the next step. Weather it be responding to God for the first time ever, or starting to share your faith. Place your self in the center of God's house, and display of splendor for all to see.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Testimony

I had to write my abbreviated testimony for someone so here I am sharing with you!

I was raised in a home that proclaimed Jesus as Lord. I attended church on a regular basis. When I was 13 I came to know for certain that Jesus died for me personally, therefore I said the sinner’s prayer. From that point, I grew in the faith, and learned more about my Lord. The next 9 1/2 years would bring a strong current of struggles, temptations, and sin, with fragments of pursuing my Lord. This season left me mentally out of whack, and trapped. It was like I was on a spiritual bungee cord, where I could never go past a certain point. I knew the Bible said I was free not to sin, but I believed I was the exception, and that freedom was not possible for me. Praise God I was wrong. One of the most profound seasons in my life, began when I realized that God wanted freedom and abundance for my life. Therefore, I began to change my thinking. I allowed God to reveal that I had been held captive, by the father of lies, Satan. Since then God has given me the opportunity to experience true repentance and real freedom. I now know I am equipped with authority and discernment to come against the devil’s schemes in my life, and live the life of freedom for which I was created.

You know what is so awesome... That everyday I learn something new, and everyday I am being changed more and more in to the likeness of my creator. Every experience and interaction provides an opportunity to learn something great and grow.

So what is your testimony? We each have a great one. I would love to hear yours.
Remember God says...

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Have a splendid day!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Expect to be Blessed!

Good Morning!

I am so excited to be here this morning. God is so good, His creation is so magnificent, I am sitting at my kitchen table and I am watching the way the trees surround my apartment, and the way the sun hits the leaves is like a glistening dance of the Lord's majesty and splendor. What a special treat to experience this beauty this morning and be blessed.

God loves us so much! He cares so much about the details, why else would the leaves glisten, and sing His glory. What a God we serve that even the trees worship Him. Today I want to encourage you to remember that God Almighty loves you and He has overcome the world. I challenge you to go to Him and expect to be blessed. Because after all God want to bless each and everyone of us. He wants to take us away and give us the rest for our souls that we so long for, that we need.

Have a blessed day daughters of the King,

Jennifer Dow